Type Alias CreatePost

CreatePost: {
    alt_text?: string;
    body?: string;
    community_id: CommunityId;
    custom_thumbnail?: string;
    honeypot?: string;
    language_id?: LanguageId;
    name: string;
    nsfw?: boolean;
    scheduled_publish_time?: number;
    tags?: TagId[];
    url?: string;

Create a post.

Type declaration

  • Optionalalt_text?: string

    An optional alt_text, usable for image posts.

  • Optionalbody?: string

    An optional body for the post in markdown.

  • community_id: CommunityId
  • Optionalcustom_thumbnail?: string

    Instead of fetching a thumbnail, use a custom one.

  • Optionalhoneypot?: string

    A honeypot to catch bots. Should be None.

  • Optionallanguage_id?: LanguageId
  • name: string
  • Optionalnsfw?: boolean
  • Optionalscheduled_publish_time?: number

    Time when this post should be scheduled. Null means publish immediately.

  • Optionaltags?: TagId[]
  • Optionalurl?: string