Type Alias OAuthProvider

OAuthProvider: {
    account_linking_enabled: boolean;
    authorization_endpoint: string;
    auto_verify_email: boolean;
    client_id: string;
    display_name: string;
    enabled: boolean;
    id: OAuthProviderId;
    id_claim: string;
    issuer: string;
    published: string;
    scopes: string;
    token_endpoint: string;
    updated?: string;
    use_pkce: boolean;
    userinfo_endpoint: string;

oauth provider with client_secret - should never be sent to the client

Type declaration

  • account_linking_enabled: boolean

    Allows linking an OAUTH account to an existing user account by matching emails

  • authorization_endpoint: string

    The authorization endpoint is used to interact with the resource owner and obtain an authorization grant. This is usually provided by the OAUTH provider.

  • auto_verify_email: boolean

    Automatically sets email as verified on registration

  • client_id: string

    The client_id is provided by the OAuth 2.0 provider and is a unique identifier to this service

  • display_name: string

    The OAuth 2.0 provider name displayed to the user on the Login page

  • enabled: boolean

    switch to enable or disable an oauth provider

  • id: OAuthProviderId
  • id_claim: string

    The OAuth 2.0 claim containing the unique user ID returned by the provider. Usually this should be set to "sub".

  • issuer: string

    The issuer url of the OAUTH provider.

  • published: string
  • scopes: string

    Lists the scopes requested from users. Users will have to grant access to the requested scope at sign up.

  • token_endpoint: string

    The token endpoint is used by the client to obtain an access token by presenting its authorization grant or refresh token. This is usually provided by the OAUTH provider.

  • Optionalupdated?: string
  • use_pkce: boolean

    switch to enable or disable PKCE

  • userinfo_endpoint: string

    The UserInfo Endpoint is an OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource that returns Claims about the authenticated End-User. This is defined in the OIDC specification.